Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Coca-Cola Zero, the male version of Coca-Cola Light?

Many people think that Coke Zero is just the male version of Coke Light, but there's more to it. Although it's clear that Coke Zero targets male adults while Coke Light targets women, the recipe is also different. You can say that Coke Zero is a more recent version of Coke Light, with a taste that resembles the regular Coca-Cola better than the Light version. To put it in an easy way: Coke Zero contains less aspartame, but more acesulfame potassium (ace-k) than Coke Light (there are also other differences of course). And last but not least the male targeting of Coke Zero is also noticeable in its advertisements where the word 'calorie-free' is used instead of 'diet' and where women are often used as sex objects.

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